Eliana miranda quem é

Eliana Miranda is a visual artist who currently lives and makes paintings in Dallas. In 2010, she completed her BA from Hamilton College in Clinton, New York.  She obtained her MA in 2012 and an MFA in 2015 from the University of Dallas. In 2018 she became a resident artist at the Goldmark Cultural Center where she is a curator for the John H. Milde Gallery and the director for the Norman Brown Gallery.  She’s been in numerous exhibitions including Latino Americans 500 Years of History at the Idaho State University, Contemporaneous Commentary: Voices in the Current Sociopolitical Atmosphere at the Wichita State University, Intersections at the Texas Woman’s University, and the AMOA Biennial 600: Justice• Equality• Race• Identity at the Amarillo Museum of Art. She's one of the co-founders of Nuestra Artist Collective and has recently completed a virtual residency with the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin,TX.

Miranda’s work is an exploration of current human migration issues. She investigates environmental and socio/political impact of the displacement of people. By interpreting these topics through her own visual vocabulary, she hopes to open these issues to a wider discussion.

Quem é Eliane Miranda?

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O que aconteceu com o Daniel Miranda?

Amigos se despedem de Daniel Miranda, fundador da Banda Lyra Curitibana. Foi sepultado ontem em Curitiba o clarinetista e saxofonista Daniel Ferreira de Miranda Júnior, um dos fundadores da Banda Lyra Curitibana. Ele morreu na sexta-feira.

Quantos filhos tem David Miranda?

Casou-se em 12 de junho de 1965 com Ereni Oliveira de Miranda, com quem teve quatro filhos: Pr. David Miranda Filho, Daniel Miranda, e as cantoras Débora Miranda de Almeida e Léia Miranda.


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