Sc braga x scu torreense

SC Braga Women vs SCU Torreense Women Live Scores and Match Information

The latest football scores, line-ups and more for SC Braga Women vs SCU Torreense Women.

Your live football score for SC Braga Women vs SCU Torreense Women in the Women's Campeonato Nacional from Livescore, covering football, cricket, tennis, basketball and hockey Livescore TRs.

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Braga Women vs SCU Torreense Women 05/11/22 Timeline

Sc braga x scu torreense

Sc braga x scu torreense

Braga Women vs SCU Torreense Women events 05/11/22

  • Score After Full Time - 2-0

  • 89'

    4th Offside- Braga Women - Braga Women

  • 86'

    7th Corner - SCU Torreense Women

  • 66'

    3rd Offside- Braga Women - Braga Women

  • 55'

    5th Corner - SCU Torreense Women

  • 52'

    2nd Offside- Braga Women - Braga Women

  • Score After First Half - 1-0

  • 15'

    1st Offside- SCU Torreense Women - SCU Torreense Women

Braga Women vs SCU Torreense Women Stadium 05/11/22

  • Name: Estadio 1. de Maio

  • City: Braga, Portugal

  • Capacity: 28800

  • Sc braga x scu torreense

    Braga Women

    Sc braga x scu torreense

    SCU Torreense Women

  • Sc braga x scu torreense

    SCU Torreense Women

    Sc braga x scu torreense

    Braga Women

  • Sc braga x scu torreense

    Braga Women

    Sc braga x scu torreense

    SCU Torreense Women

Sporting Clube de Braga vs SCU Torreense (W) head to head statistics

The statistics of Sporting Clube de Braga vs SCU Torreense (W) head to head matches can cause increased interest among many sports fans. All information about the history of H@H confrontations of rivals is available on our portal, and we are sure that after reading the proposed information you will get a complete picture of what is happening. Note that the new match Sporting Clube de Braga and SCU Torreense (W) starts on 05 November 2022 at 11:00, which means that you should not waste time in vain.

Recall that on our portal there is a prediction for Sporting Clube de Braga vs SCU Torreense (W) match on 05 November 2022, which is based on a detailed analysis of the most important statistical indicators. In the end, we always give useful recommendations on choosing the final option. So do not be lazy to get acquainted with the proposed material, and then vote whether the bid will go in or not.

An interesting Sporting Clube de Braga vs SCU Torreense (W) live streaming on 05 November 2022. We recommend watching the match live using a convenient broadcast available from our partners. Just a few simple steps need to be performed to gain access to the broadcast, and be sure that the quality of the picture will not disappoint you. Enjoy watching!

Perhaps you have a desire to add extra spice to the upcoming match, and especially for this, we publish the best odds on Sporting Clube de Braga vs SCU Torreense (W) match. Here you can get acquainted with the whole wide line, and then choose the option that seems to you the most reliable. We can only wish you good luck with this difficult task.